In order for Stokely Outdoor to meet your deadlines, price, and quality requirements, please be sure that you meet the following requirements when submitting artwork and digital files. If you have questions, please contact us. Artwork can be sent to:
Traditional Billboards
Set up your canvas in CMYK with the resolution at 18ppi. For a 14’x48′ billboard, your canvas size will be 168″ x 576″ (3000px x 875px). If you are applying a bleed, be sure to not place important information too close to the edge. A 3″ bleed and a 3″ pocket is recommended. Acceptable file formats are original vector, AI, PDF or JPEG.
Billboard Specifications
- CMYK color
- 168×576 inches or 3000×875 pixels
- 3 inch bleed/pocket
- .ai, .pdf, .jpg or original vector file format

LED Billboards
We recommend creating your content in the same pixel dimensions as the desired display. If you create your design in a larger size than the display, be sure to resize your piece to the exact pixel dimension of the display. Rich, vibrant, saturated colors with a great deal of contrast between the background and design elements. Dark outlines or drop-shadows will help with contrast and to separate text from the background. Avoid using white or pastel backgrounds as your content can actually repel the viewer’s eyes, especially in low-light conditions. Make your message concise and bold, and easily understood at a glance. LED billboards supportĀ 6 rotating ads with an 8 second duration.
LED Billboard Specifications
- Composition Size 720px (w) by 200px (h)
- RGB Color Mode
- 72 dpi Resolution
- Preferred Format: png
- Other Supported Formats: bmp, or jpg
- Square Pixel Aspect Ratio